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Preschool Enrichment Program

10:15-11 am

This program is designed for preschoolers age 3 to 6. Classes focus on basic vocabularies and conversations with introduction of practical life, nature and science, art and cultures. Children are encouraged to move around and engaged in hand-on activities. Each lesson contains story time, singing, game time or craft time. Classes are once a week for 45 minutes.


If you would like the Chinese Enrichment Program at your child’s school, day care or community center, please have your director contact:


Due to COVID-19 pandemic, this program is suspended until further notice. 

Coolong Chinese Preschool Class
Coolong Chinese Preschool Class
Coolong Chinese Preschool Class
Coolong Chinese Preschool Class
Coolong Chinese Preschool Class
Coolong Chinese Preschool Class
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